
Keep up with the latest and greatest news and announcements from Classic Turf by connecting with us on social media. We regularly share pictures of our team in action building courts, tracks and fields for public and private clients throughout the region. We also share helpful information to consider before embarking on your next athletic facility project.

An Interesting Look at Tennis Shoes

If you’re going to play tennis on a tennis court, you should wear tennis shoes. Here’s the problem, though– people generally have no clue what the differences are between tennis shoes, sneakers, athletic shoes and trainers. Aren’t they all pretty much the same? Ok, what do all the aforementioned footwear types have in common? They’re… Read more »

Reasons to Get Your Child Involved in Track

Not everyone will become a marathon runner, but it doesn’t hurt to encourage children to join a track team. First of all, kids have seemingly boundless energy and they like to move around. Track gets them focused on literally moving around in an organized way, and if they’re on a team, they have the camaraderie… Read more »

The Health Benefits of Playing Tennis

Tennis is one of those sports that people of all ages can play. Indeed, it’s not that unusual to see little kids or senior citizens on the courts. Tennis is the kind of game that can get vigorous, which means it allows people to release their tension. Therefore, it’s good for people who want to… Read more »

Sport Brings Us Together

Despite what you might see on the news, especially when rival sports fans get into fisticuffs after a football game, athletic competition brings people together. Sometimes sports are the only thing all Americans can agree on, meaning everyone has their favorite teams, the athlete they put up on a pedestal, and so forth. Sports can,… Read more »

Tennis and Depression

The New Year is here and that means our minds are focused on the future, focused on ways that we can better our lives and maybe the world around us. Since we at Classic Turf have revolutionized the sports surface industry with our patented, innovative surfaces for tennis courts, basketball courts and running tracks, we… Read more »

Playing Tennis in the Wintertime

In many areas of the country, we have been experiencing a less than hostile winter, which has allowed many of us to continue playing tennis outdoors. That has been a much-needed stress reliever for this holiday season, but we would be foolish to think that this weather will continue. That said, we should still try… Read more »

Blood Clots and Basketball Players

At the Classic Turf Co blog, we write a lot about the artificial turfs we install, including basketball and tennis courts, but we also feel it’s important to report on the worlds of basketball and tennis, the trends that are shaping the players involved, because if we don’t know the trends, how can we effectively… Read more »

Joint Pain Starts from the Ground, up

High impact activity can be very hard on the human body. And depending on the impact surface, it could be even worse. With every step, pivot and jump, shockwaves reverberate through the human body. And the less shock absorption this impact surface provides, the more intense these reverberations are. These reverberations cause complications in the… Read more »